In a tearful and emotional tribute video released by the cast of the hit show, "The Walking Dead," Norman Reedus and his fellow actors shared their memories of working with the talented canine actor known as "Seven," who played the lovable and loyal dog on the series.
The video begins with clips of Seven in action on the show, weaving in and out of scenes with Reedus and the other cast members. Seven quickly became a fan favorite, with his expressive eyes and unwavering loyalty to his human counterparts leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
Reedus, who plays the rugged survivor Daryl Dixon on the show, shared his own personal memories of working with Seven.
Other cast members, including Melissa McBride, who plays Carol Peletier, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays Negan, also shared their fond memories of working with Seven. McBride recalled how Seven would brighten up even the darkest days on set with his playful antics, while Morgan spoke about the undeniable chemistry between Seven and Reedus in their scenes together.
But it wasn't just the cast who were touched by Seven's presence on the show.
In the video tribute, clips of Seven interacting with fans at conventions and events are shown, capturing the joy and excitement he brought to people of all ages. Seven's gentle nature and friendly demeanor endeared him to everyone he met, making him a true fan favorite both on and off screen.
Sadly, Seven's time on the show came to an end when his character was written off in a heartbreaking scene that left fans around the world in tears. But even in his final moments on screen, Seven's impact could be felt as he bravely sacrificed himself to save his human companions, solidifying his place in the hearts of fans forever.
As the video tribute comes to a close, Reedus and the cast members raise a toast to Seven, thanking him for his dedication, loyalty, and the joy he brought to all those who knew him. Seven may be gone, but his memory lives on in the hearts of fans and cast members alike, a true testament to the impact a beloved animal actor can have on a show and its audience.
In the end, Seven's legacy will always be remembered as a shining example of the bond between humans and animals, and the love and companionship they can bring to our lives, both on screen and off. Rest in peace, Seven. You will always be remembered and cherished by all who had the pleasure of knowing you.